This morning it struck me that my favorite time of our homeschool day is the very beginning. I procrastinate getting started every morning. Need just one more cup of coffee. Look through my plans. Curl up under the quilt with the dog. And finally realize we simply MUST get school started if we are to count it for a day. So we gather on the couch.
And we pray.
At first we all went around saying things off the top of our heads. The boys eventually ended up fighting over who got to go first because they tended to have the same prayers, but neither wanted to appear to be copying. Now we say one thanksgiving, one plea for forgiveness, and one prayer. So this morning, I was struck that despite all the hemming and hawing over starting our day, it really is one of the best parts of homeschool. Today went as follows:
Patty -
Thanksgiving - A beautiful tree, home, and always for my family (I was looking at the tree all lit up just as we were starting.)
Forgiveness - Impatience and a lack of grace extended towards others
Prayer - Reminders of Christ's presence, guidance, and His love for those in need
Key -
Thanksgiving - Family and food (This prompted a talk about how a Liberian family we know of told our church that they eat when they have food; not when they are hungry. We tried to imagine.)
Forgiveness - Being disobedient and disrespectful
Prayer - The military, Sadie our dog, and for a good day
Kelly -
Thanksgiving - Family, our dog Sadie, our tree (Kelly's favorite holiday by far is Christmas. I cannot emphasize how much this kid loves all things Christmas.)
Forgiveness - Being mean to Key
Prayer - For the Liberian priest's family, and those going through bad lives, you know, those in darkness, Mom?
Last week we talked about Rwanda during prayer time. It is the one point in the day when we take that pause to think outside ourselves, and we are grateful, and I would not have this if we weren't homeschooling. Because of our prayer time each morning, I know my children's hearts like I have never known them before. As much as we talked and I tried before homeschooling, being with my boys day in and day out changes things in a way I did not begin to picture. I am truly grateful for this time with them.
Oh, and we always end the prayer time with the Lord's Prayer. (Vocabulary lesson for the day - why we say trespasses and why Presbyterians say debts. We've been attending a Presbyterian Church. Stepping out of our box.)