Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Day 11: Laying on of hands

Sunday we went to church.

We heard a sermon.

We prayed.

We took communion.

And then.

My favorite part of the service comes right after communion.  Everybody is singing praise music and the priest stands front and center.  He holds this little vial of what appears to be lip balm.  It's really an ointment he rubs on the forehead of a person wanting healing or prayer - not actually lip balm.  He doesn't say a thing.  Doesn't have to.  No altar call.  No nothing.  Just standing there, people flock to the front and lay hands on each other and gather in a mass, heads bowed, all praying for each other.

I play the role of spectator each week, being that I think if I stood up to walk down front I would be way too self concious that everybody in the room would be staring at me wondering what is wrong that I would need healing.  It is what I wonder about everybody already up at the front.  Of course, I am not noticing their panty lines or whether their shoes match like I am so concerned that they would notice with me.  So, every week I sit and watch and pray.  Usually I get teary eyed because it is such a touching scene, and there is always some sweet child up there with his hands on an older person's back.  Seeing those little fingers reaching up out of that mass of people always gets me.  Just does, and I can't help it.

So there I am, spectating like usual, and I feel a little hand.  Right on my shoulder.  I look over, and there is my little Kelly being Jesus to me.  He can tell without words that I love the healing and that I am not about to walk up front no matter what.  And so, he lays hands on me right where I am.  Right there in our seats.  I ask Kelly if he wants me to pray with him, and he just nods yes.

And so we did, Kelly laying hands on me and me praying for him. 

Sweetest thing of my whole darn day...

Then after fasting and praying they laid their hands on them and sent them off.

Acts 13:3


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