Saturday, April 2, 2011

Lenten Journal Day 22

We had a discussion at the dinner table tonight. These are always fun. We asked the boys how they felt we were doing with our Lenten journey. You know, the no shopping and no anger part.

Their opinion was that we were doing pretty great with not shopping. We even went to the library today to check out movies instead of shopping for them with on demand.

The best part of the discussion was about the no anger section of our Lenten journey. Key announced that three of the family members were having a hard time with this one. Kelly agreed that three of the family members were having a hard time with this one. There are four of us. Neither of them thought they had a problem. Which means everybody had failed except whoever happened to be speaking. Key did not see that he had ever been angry in that last 20+ days. Kelly demanded that he had been perfectly happy for almost the past month. All of this was declared while whining about the food I had cooked. Both thought while I hadn't been angry, I had whined too much. And they completely agreed Michael had just walked around frustrated.

What's so funny is that none of us felt we were doing all that badly. We could all point to times when others had lost it, but not any times when we ourselves had lost it. Interesting.

What's that about the log in one eye while seeing the toothpick in someone else's eye?

Anyway, the point is, I have been totally fine.

It's the rest of them that have struggled;)

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